Beau Block

Research Analyst

Beau joined Narrative Research in 2024 after completing a Bachelor’s degree at Dalhousie University, with a focus on qualitative research. Since joining, he has contributed to a variety of both qualitative and quantitative research projects, and is eager to expand his expertise in qualitative research, particularly by pursuing training in moderating focus groups and increasing his involvement in projects centered around diversity and inclusion. He is also committed to further developing his French language skills with the goal of moderating French focus groups and working toward his CAIP certification. Outside of work, Beau enjoys cycling around Nova Scotia and spending time with friends.


Margaret Brigley, CAIP
CEO & Partner
Margaret Chapman, CAIP
COO & Partner
Peter MacIntosh, CAIP
Chief Research Officer (CRO)
Rhoda Hoskins, CAIP
Managing Director, NL
Claude Perreault, CAIP / PAIM
Senior Director
Cynthia Stewart
Director, Corporate Services
Craig Wight, CAIP
Managing Director, NB
Layton Dorey
Nic Boileau
Statistician & Senior Research Consultant
Trish Bond
Manager, Online Data Insights
Theresa Boulos
Senior Online Programmer and Field Specialist
Tal Edmunds
Erik Fraser, CAIP
Senior Consultant
Lynne Gillis, CAIP
Senior Consultant
Ramona Hall
Senior Data Insights Specialist
Kristine Hughes
Senior Data Insights Specialist
Jonathan King
Qualitative Field Services Lead
Joseph Loh
Research Analyst
Anna MacDermid
Online Programmer and Field Specialist
Carla Pass
Manager, Data Visualization & Admin
Emma Power
Research Consultant
Melvyn Staiff
Senior Data Insights Specialist
Amanda Tsistinas
Finance Lead
Grace Wilson
Senior Analyst
Beau Block
Research Analyst