- Andrew Furey remains the most preferred choice for premier
- Liberals continue to lead in decided voting intentions
March 3, 2022:
Satisfaction with the overall performance of the Liberal government in Newfoundland and Labrador led by Premier Andrew Furey continues to be strong, on par with results from Fall 2021. Nearly six in ten express some level of satisfaction (58%, compared with 57% in November 2021), according to the latest survey by Narrative Research. While there is majority satisfaction across nearly all regions and demographic segments, residents in the Western/Labrador region are almost evenly split between satisfaction and dissatisfaction (49% satisfied, 47% dissatisfied).

When considering decided voter intentions (if an election were held today), the Liberals continue to garner strong voter support (49%, compared with 48% in November 2021). Voting intentions for the Progressive Conservatives stand at 32% (compared with 27% in November 2021), while support for the New Democratic Party is at 15% (a decrease from 23% in November 2021). The People’s Party of Canada is mentioned by two percent of voters, while both the Green Party and independent candidates are each mentioned by one percent of voters. Preference for the Liberals is elevated among older residents 55 or older, while among 35- 54-year-olds, preference for the PCs is on par with that for the Liberals. The NDP is more likely to be preferred by those 18 to 34 compared with older residents.
When considering leadership preference, Premier Andrew Furey continues to be most preferred as premier (42%, compared with 46% in November 2021). Two in ten prefer interim PC leader David Brazil (20%, compared with 18%). Preference for interim leader of the NDP Jim Dinn stands at 11% (a decrease from 19% in November 2021). Furey is most preferred across all regions and demographics, albeit Furey’s lead is stronger on the Avalon than elsewhere in the province.
These results are part of Narrative Research’s Atlantic Quarterly®, an independent, quarterly telephone survey of Atlantic Canadians, and are drawn from a sample of 350 adult residents of Newfoundland and Labrador. The survey was conducted February 8 to 21, 2022, with overall results accurate to within ±5.2 percentage points, 95 out of 100 times.
Narrative Research, www.narrativeresearch.ca, is non-partisan and is one of Canada’s leading public opinion and market research companies. Follow us on Twitter @EveryNarrative.
For more information, please contact:
Margaret Brigley, CEO, Narrative Research at 902.493.3830 (O) mbrigley@narrativeresearch.ca