The majority of those who support a vaccine passport believe that two doses should be required for these types of activities.
June 23, 2021
With many Canadians eager to resume their ‘normal’ routines, vaccine passports are being widely discussed. Results from our recent survey suggests that over three-quarters (77%) of Canadians believe a vaccine passport should be required for such things as commercial flights or attending in-person public events, while fewer than one-quarter disagree. Support for requiring a vaccine passport has increased slightly since April (when 73% supported).

Across the country, residents of BC (85%) are most likely to support a vaccine passport requirement, while residents of the Prairies (67%) are least likely to do so. Interestingly, this is the only region where support has dropped, albeit marginally, since April. Across the population, those 55 years and older are more likely to support this concept, as are residents with higher levels of education and those who have received at least one dose of vaccine.

Residents who indicated support for a vaccine passport were then asked how many doses they felt should be required to partake in a series of activities. For any of the activities listed, the majority of Canadians believe that two doses should be required, while fewer felt one dose sufficed. In terms of traveling on commerical airplanes, eight in ten Canadians who support a vaccine passport believe that two doses should be required to travel on commercial airplanes to international destinations (84%), while roughly two-thirds feel two doses should be required to travel to destinations within Canada (64%). When considering the ability to attend events in-person indoors, seven in ten feel that two doses should be required to attend a concert or live theatre event in-person indoors (69%), while a similar percent of Canadians feel that two doses should be required for a professional sporting event in-person indoors (67%).
Results are from an online survey conducted June 16 – 18, 2021, with 1,231 Canadians 18 years of age or older from the Logit Group’s Canadian Omnibus. Fielding every month, the Logit Group’s COVID-19 Omnibus surveys Canadians to ask their opinions and behaviours related to topical issues. Results were analyzed by Narrative Research. Data was weighted based on the 2016 Census, by gender, age, and region to reflect population characteristics in each province. As a non-probability sample (i.e., a panel sample where residents have joined a panel to share their opinions), and in accordance with CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards, a margin of error is not applied.
Questions included in this release:
- In general, do you think Canada should require someone to have a vaccine passport before allowing that person to travel on commercial airplanes, to attend a sporting event in-person, and so forth?
- [IF ‘YES’] What should be required in order to…?
- Travel on commercial airplanes to destinations within Canada
- Travel on commercial airplanes to international destinations (US or further afield)
- Attend a professional sporting event in-person indoors
- Attend a concert or live theatre event in-person indoors
For more information, contact:
Margaret Chapman, COO, Narrative Research – 902.493.3834,
Sam Pisani, Managing Partner, Logit Group – 416.629.4116,

Narrative Research (, is a leading public opinion and market research company headquartered in Canada. The company is certified as a WBE (Women Business Enterprise). As a non-partisan, 100% Canadian-owned research company, Narrative Research is dedicated to providing clients with state-of-the-art research and strategic consulting services. Follow us on Twitter at @EveryNarrative

The Logit Group ( is a leading North American data collection and market research execution company headquartered in Toronto, conducting large-scale projects for a variety of well-known research agencies and brands. Logit employs industry-best technologies across an array of methodologies, and is independent, experienced and quality-oriented. Follow us on Twitter at @LogitGroup