- 52% of Canadians plan on taking a vacation within their own province this summer, compared to 29% who plan to fly to another province and 22% who plan to drive to another province.
- 28% of Canadians say they are planning to travel to the US this summer.
July 6, 2023
As the weather warms, we decided to ask Canadians where they are likely to travel for their summer vacation this year. Staying close to home appears to be the most popular choice, with half of Canadians (52%) planning to take a vacation within their own province this summer. Residents of Quebec and Newfoundland are most likely to explore their own province this summer (60% each) followed by those in BC (58%). High income earners ($100,000 or more) are most-likely to be planning a vacation in their home province this summer (66%), compared to those in lower income categories ($60,000-$99,999: 54%; <$60,000: 39%).

Interprovincial travel is less popular this year compared to similar research we conducted in 2021. Currently 29% of Canadians are planning a driving vacation to another province this year compared to 40% who planned similar trips in 2021. Inflationary pressures, including the price of gas and food, could be making travel by car less appealing. Hotel price increases, as shown in a recent CBRE report1 may mean that staying with friends and family, and staycations are more popular now than in the past. Flying vacations to other provinces remain less popular (24% in 2021 to 22% this year). The comparatively stable intent to travel within Canada by plane may be attributed to the rise in discount airline offerings across the country.

Three in ten Canadians are planning to travel to the US this year, a slight increase from 24% who planned to travel south of the boarder in 2021.
Results are from a survey conducted in partnership between Narrative Research and the Logit Group. The survey was conducted online between June 6th and June 8th with 1,234 Canadians, 18 years of age or older from the Logit Group’s Canadian Omnibus. Data were weighted based on the 2016 Census, by gender, age, and region to reflect actual population distribution. As a non-probability sample a margin of error is not applied.
Results are from a survey conducted in partnership between Narrative Research and the Logit Group. The survey was conducted online between June 6th and June 8th with 1,234 Canadians, 18 years of age or older from the Logit Group’s Canadian Omnibus. Data were weighted based on the 2016 Census, by gender, age, and region to reflect actual population distribution. As a non-probability sample a margin of error is not applied.
The questions asked were:
How likely are you to take a vacation within [PROVINCE OF RESIDENCE] this summer? Please use a scale where 1 is ‘not at all likely’ and 10 is ‘extremely likely’.
How likely is it that you will take each of the following types of summer vacation this year? Please use a scale where 1 is ‘not at all likely’ and 10 is ‘extremely likely’.
– A driving vacation to another province in Canada
– A flying vacation to another province in Canada
– Travel to the United States
Additional Sources Cited:
1. Nguyen, N., & Hallett, K. (2023). (rep.). Canadian Hotel Industry Outlook (Q1 2023, pp. 1–33). Toronto, ON: CBRE.
For more information, please contact:
Margaret Chapman, COO & Partner, Narrative Research – 902.493.3834, mchapman@narrativeresearch.ca
Sam Pisani, Managing Partner, Logit Group – 416.629.4116, sam.pisani@logitgroup.com

Narrative Research (www.narrativeresearch.ca), is a leading public opinion and market research company headquartered in Canada. The company is certified as a WBE (Women Business Enterprise). As a non-partisan, 100% Canadian-owned research company, Narrative Research is dedicated to providing clients with state-of-the-art research and strategic consulting services.

The Logit Group (https://logitgroup.com/) is a leading North American data collection and market research execution company headquartered in Toronto, conducting large-scale projects for a variety of well-known research agencies and brands. Logit employs industry-best technologies across an array of methodologies, and is independent, experienced and quality-oriented.
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