- A majority remain satisfied with the performance of the provincial government led by Andrew Furey.
- Andrew Furey remains most preferred as premier.
June 6, 2024:
A majority are satisfied with the overall performance of the provincial government led by Premier Andrew Furey, according to the latest survey by Narrative Research. Just over one-half of residents (53%, compared with 52% in February 2024) are satisfied, while four in ten (41%, compared with 43%) are dissatisfied. Younger NL residents are more likely to be dissatisfied.

The PCs and Liberals are currently close in terms of voter support, after an increase in voter support for the PCs since last quarter. If a provincial election were held today, approximately four in ten decided voters would each vote for the PCs (41%, up from 33% in February 2024) and Liberals (38%, compared with 43%). Support for the NDP stands at 19% (compared with 23%). Support for the Liberals increases notably with age (18-34: 17%, 35-54: 36%, 55+ 48%).
Andrew Furey of the Liberal Party remains the preferred choice for Premier. One-third prefer Furey for premier (33%, compared with 34% in February 2024), while one-quarter prefer Tony Wakeham of the PC Party (26%, compared with 23%). Preference for NDP leader Jim Dinn as Premier stands at 18% (compared with 19%). Similar to support for the Liberals, support for Furey increases with age.
These results are part of Narrative Research’s Atlantic Quarterly®, an independent, quarterly telephone survey of Atlantic Canadians, and are drawn from a sample of 350 adult residents of Newfoundland and Labrador. The survey was conducted May 7-29, 2024, with overall results accurate to within ±5.2 percentage points, 95 out of 100 times. The results are weighted by region, age and gender to reflect the overall Newfoundland and Labrador adult population.
Narrative Research, www.narrativeresearch.ca, is a non-partisan, 100% Canadian-owned research company, certified as a Women Business Enterprise (WBE). Follow us on LinkedIn or narrativeresearch.ca/news.
For more information, please contact:
Margaret Brigley, CEO, Narrative Research at 902.493.3830, mbrigley@narrativeresearch.ca
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