- On par with last quarter, a majority is dissatisfied with the performance of the provincial government.
- Susan Holt of the Liberal Party remains most preferred as Premier, although the gap has closed.
June 6, 2024:
A majority of New Brunswickers express dissatisfaction with the performance of the provincial government led by Premier Blaine Higgs, according to the latest survey by Narrative Research. Two-thirds of residents (63%, compared with 66% in February 2024) are currently dissatisfied with the government’s overall performance, while three in ten (29%, unchanged) are satisfied. Dissatisfaction levels are high across the province.

When considering voting intentions, the Liberals maintain a slight lead in terms of support from decided voters. If an election were held today, just over one-third would vote for the Liberals (37%, compared with 40% in February 2024), while one-third would vote for the PCs (34%, unchanged). Support for the NDP is much smaller (13%, up from 8%) as is support for the Green Party (13%, compared with 15%). The People’s Alliance of New Brunswick has the backing of 1% of decided voters (compared with 2%). Support for the Liberals is higher among those whose first language is French, while support for the PCs is higher among those whose first language is English.
Susan Holt of the Liberal Party remains most preferred for Premier, although the gap has closed. Holt is preferred by one-quarter (25%, down from 31% in February 2024), while Blaine Higgs of the PC Party is preferred by two in ten (20%, compared with 22%). Just under two in ten prefer David Coon of the Green Party (15%, compared with 17%), while only a small minority prefer either Alex White, interim leader of the NDP (7%, compared with 5%) or Rick DeSaulniers of the People’s Alliance of New Brunswick (3%, compared with 4%). Susan Holt has a lead among those whose first language is French.
These results are part of Narrative Research’s Atlantic Quarterly®, an independent telephone survey of Atlantic Canadians, and are drawn from a random sample of 400 adult New Brunswickers, conducted from May 8 – 30, 2024, with overall results accurate to within ± 4.9 percentage points, 95 out of 100 times. The results are weighted by region, age, and gender to reflect the overall New Brunswick adult population.
Narrative Research, www.narrativeresearch.ca, is a non-partisan, 100% Canadian-owned research company, certified as a Women Business Enterprise (WBE). Follow us on LinkedIn or at narrativeresearch.ca/news.
For more information, please contact:
Margaret Brigley, CEO, Narrative Research at 902.493.3830, mbrigley@narrativeresearch.ca