With the exception of Quebec, residents in all Canadian regions and provinces are less confident in the measures taken by their provincial government to combat COVID-19 than they were in May.
Canadian residents are appreciative of the provincial health care system during COVID-19, with the exception of Quebec where opinions are mixed.
Residents have confidence in the leadership of their provincial Chief Medical Officers in addressing the pandemic.
September 10, 2020
As the Canadian situation with COVID-19 evolves, residents were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with the federal and provincial governments’ response. Overall, Canadian residents are satisfied with their provincial government’s actions to address the crisis (74% satisfied), while they rate the federal government less favourably in comparison (66% satisfied).

Several differences of opinions are noteworthy across provinces. Residents of NL, NS, ON and BC offer more positive assessments of both levels of governments than residents from other provinces. Of note, residents of the Prairie provinces (58% satisfied), QC (56% satisfied) and NB (64% satisfied) are most critical of the federal government’s performance, while satisfaction is highest in NL (82% satisfied) and NS (80% satisfied). Similarly, the level of satisfaction with the provincial government’s response is lowest in the Prairies provinces (61% satisfied). Opinions are relatively consistent across key demographic characteristics, although the level of satisfaction with the provincial government increases with age and it is highest among Boomers (81% satisfied).
Since May 2020, there has been a significant decline in residents’ level of confidence in measures undertaken by the provincial governments to combat COVID-19, although two-thirds of residents (65%) continue to express high confidence, as evidenced by ratings of 7-10 on a 10-point scale.

By region, residents of the Prairies exhibit the lowest level of confidence (49%) and the sharpest decline since May. By contrast, a small improvement is noted in Quebec.
Residents were also asked this time around how confident they are in the measures taken by the federal government to combat COVID-19. While overall nearly six in ten residents (57%) express some level of confidence, opinions vary across the regions and provinces. The level of confidence in the federal government’s actions is highest in NL, followed by NS and ON.
To understand the level of public confidence in health services, residents were asked to rate on a scale of 1-10 the health care system in their province during COVID-19. While Canadian residents overall are moderately positive towards their health care system (59% offered a positive rating of 7-10), differences exist across regions and provinces.

More than seven in ten residents in BC (78%) and ON (73%) rate the health care system positively, providing a score of 7-10. Residents of Atlantic Canada (69%) and the Prairie provinces (61%) are more critical in comparison. Opinions of the Quebec health care system are clearly divided, with over a third of residents offering no opinion, and the remainder being split between low ratings of 1-4 (26%), moderate ratings of 5-6 (14%) and high ratings of 7-10 (23%), for an average rating of 4.9 on the 10-point scale.
Canadian residents were asked to rate their level confidence in the leadership of their provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health to combat COVID-19. Overall, two-thirds of Canadian residents express confidence, as evidenced by ratings of 7-10 on a 10-point scale. Across the country, confidence is highest in NL (88%) and BC (75%), while it is lowest in the Prairies (61%).

This survey was conducted online August 20-22, 2020, with 1,230 Canadians 18 years of age or older, from the Logit Group’s Canadian Omnibus. Fielding every month, the Logit Group’s COVID-19 Omnibus surveys Canadians to ask their opinions and behaviours related to topical issues. Results were analyzed by Narrative Research. Data was weighted based on the 2016 Census, by gender, age, and region to reflect these population characteristics in each province. As a non-probability sample (i.e., a panel sample where residents have joined a panel to share their opinions), and in accordance with CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards, a margin of error is not applied.
This is the second of three research summaries that will be provided within the week. Watch for further details on Canadians’ perceptions and behaviours related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Narrative Research (www.narrativeresearch.ca), is a leading public opinion and market research company headquartered in Canada. The company was recently certified as WBE (Women Business Enterprise). As a non-partisan, 100% Canadian-owned research company, Narrative Research is dedicated to providing clients with state-of-the-art research and strategic consulting services.
The Logit Group (https://logitgroup.com/) is a leading North American data collection and market research execution company headquartered in Toronto, conducting large-scale projects for a variety of well-known research agencies and brands. Logit employs industry-best technologies across an array of methodologies, and is independent, experienced and quality-oriented.
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For more information, please contact:
Margaret Brigley, CEO, Narrative Research – 902.222.7066, mbrigley@narrativeresearch.ca
Margaret Chapman, COO, Narrative Research – 902.222.4048, mchapman@narrativeresearch.ca
Sam Pisani, Managing Partner, Logit Group – 416.629.4116, sam.pisani@logitgroup.com