· Three-quarters of Canadian residents are confident in the measures undertaken by their provincial Government. Residents of Newfoundland and Labrador are the most confident in their provincial government, while those living in Quebec are the least confident.
· Similarly, three-quarters of Canadian residents have confidence in the leadership of their Provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health. Again, residents of Newfoundland and Labrador are more likely to be highly confident than those in other provinces, though residents of BC are also highly confident, particularly when compared with those living in Quebec and Ontario.
May 21, 2020
Given the impact of COVID-19 on the everyday lives of Canadians, residents were asked to rate their confidence on a scale of 1-10 with the measures undertaken by their provincial government to combat COVID-19. Overall, three-quarters of residents indicate high confidence with the measures undertaken, providing a rating of 7-10 (75%). A very small number of residents indicated not at all confident. By province, residents of Newfoundland and Labrador are much more likely to indicate a high level of confidence as compared to the other regions, whereas residents of Quebec are less likely to. Those aged 55+ are more likely to indicate high confidence as compared to those aged 18-34.

Canadian residents were also asked to indicate their confidence in the leadership of their Provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health to combat COVID-19. Results show that three-quarters of residents are confident, while a very small number indicated being not at all confident. Residents of Ontario and Quebec are less likely to indicate high confidence, while residents of Newfoundland and Labrador are more likely to. Those aged 18-34are less likely to be highly confident when compared to those aged 55+. It should be noted that as this is a unique and previously undealt with situation for all provinces the confidence displayed indicates a highly positive assessment.

This survey was conducted online from April 16 to April 19, 2020, with 1,231 Canadians 18 years of age or older, from the Logit Group’s COVID-19 Canadian Omnibus. Fielding every two weeks, the Logit Group’s COVID-19 Omnibus surveys sample Canadians to ask about their opinions and behaviours related to the pandemic. Results were analyzed by Narrative Research. Data was weighted based on the 2016 Census, by gender, age, and region to reflect these population characteristics in each province. As a non-probability sample (i.e., a panel sample where residents have joined a panel to share their opinions), and in accordance with CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards, a margin of error is not applied.
Narrative Research, (www.narrativeresearch.ca), is one of Canada’s leading public opinion and market research companies. As a non-partisan, 100% Canadian-owned, research company, Narrative Research is dedicated to providing clients with state-of-the-art research and strategic consulting services.
The Logit Group (https://logitgroup.com/) is a leading North American data collection and market research execution company headquartered in Toronto, conducting large-scale projects for a variety of well-known research agencies and brands. Logit employs industry-best technologies across an array of methodologies, and is independent, experienced and quality-oriented.
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For more information, please contact:
Margaret Brigley, CEO, Narrative Research – 902.222.7066 (M), mbrigley@narrativeresearch.ca,
Margaret Chapman, COO, Narrative Research – 902.222.4048 (M), mchapman@narrativeresearch.ca
Sam Pisani, Managing Partner, Logit Group – 416.629.4116 (M), sam.pisani@logitgroup.com